How to Respons Hoax News

Nama  : Nurlita Anggraini

Kelas   : 1EA28

NPM   : 15216589


Lately In social media increasingly widespread so-called information hoaks. The meaning of Hoax is cheats, lies, fakes or rumors. In Wikipedia, Hoaks is defined as to be an attempt to deceive or outsmart the reader or listener into believing something, so the fake newsmaker knows it’s fake news.

The era of internet connectivity is getting higher. For example news or gossip of top artist affair. Almost all social media timelines are flooded with those information, no matter whether the news is true or Hoax News. The phenomenon of spreading “Hoax News” deserves attention from the public. Because of the impact that causes a decreased ability of one’s analysis. So, it is easy to offend negative emotions such as getting mad, disappointed and sad. Emotions usually offer people to respond quickly without thinking any further. The spread of Hoax News using social engineering approach is psychological manipulation.

What is being used by a hoax spreader is photo manipulation and a pseudonym social media account with a profile photo of a beautiful woman or a man that is very convincing account and leads people to believe in the account and believe in the news it distributes.

Sometimes I was incited with the hoax news. Besides that, we can also be one of the hoax news spreaders. Therefore, there are several things that must be considered:

  1. Do not immediately trust with the information we receive from social media, check and re-check by looking for references from other sources and reliable sources.
  2. Do not scatter. When a news you receive, try to not directly spread it even though it can be alarming or even tempting and before send the information, think first the impact on the readers of those posts.
  3. Sort out reading sources. Avoid articles from non-credible media.
  4. Be watch on domains that are in use, now many sites are using addresses similar to credible sites.
  5. Thorough with photos. Mostly from the hoax news always Include photos as a complement . To find the photo is true or not, then we should research the details of data when a photo is made (timestamp).


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