The Reasons Why I haven’t Mastered English Yet.


In this globalization era, using english is the most common language in a few countries. Eventhough in Indonesia, English is used in elementary. But why most of them haven’t mastered english yet. Here are the reasons,

First, from very beginning what they learned is just a simple thing.

‘If you ask indonesian, How are you?’ the answer is ‘I’m fine, thank you. And you?’

Its not teoritical, but I don’t know exaclty why the answer is same. They only learn the same thing.

Second, they aren’t dare to be different. When he speaks english, his friend say something that is leads the negative things. In indonesia actually english is not the second language like malaysia and singapore does. They mixed it up with malay. The accent is malay but they speaks english like ‘Where have you been laa?’ . all I want to say is in Indonesia english is not the priority, they don’t realized how much useful english in this era. All the things need a language, if they doesn’t master english, how can you conqueror this whole world?

Third, they are not influenced by movies, songs, or many more that use english. When they watch a movie, they only focused on the translate. They are not trying to understand. English is language, language is use by habit not recite. the most important thing to be a master in english you have to use english daily. Not a little bit, you recite it, then you lost it. Habit is language that you have to be in your daily language.

Fourth, wrong system arragement. They’d like to start with Reading>> Writing>> Speaking>> Listening. This is false, cause of this they understand if there is a sentence what other talking about. If it don’t, they are don’t understand what other talking about. The best arragement is Listening>> Speaking>> Reading>> Writing. Let’s take a look what a child did. When the first time child learning to speak, their parents teached them speaking first, not writing even reading. Form the first step is wrong, the others will do the same, try to fix from the beginning.

Fiffth, they don’t want to learn more. They have no willing to increase their capability, so eventually nothing going better. In this case, lots of them they don’t suspect why english is so important. The problem is they are too old too started this over.

Next, they ignore how important pronuncation is. For indonesian who learns english well, they must have known how to speak the pronuncation well. For example, that – death , they – day, dead – dad. This is important for who does the native speaker, they say same but means other. Try to carefully wtih this situation, somehow this is always being underestimate.

Then, closeminded to explore great things. ‘It’s complicated, oh no I don’t know exaclty, why this is so difficult’. Most of them found the continous thing of english in the simple thing they haven’t met. They think it’s so difficult,but it’s not as difficult as they think.

Thats what i can conclude about “The Reasons Why I Haven’t Mastered English Yet”

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